Länsförsäkringar Fastighetsförmedling
The overall concept for this year's kick-off was "Play-off Our Way to Win". The concept name referred to the game for industry leadership, winning the final match on the road to becoming the leading chain. The conference format was built up like a live broadcast of a hockey match, structured into three periods. Each period was commented on by two commentators who also analyzed the messages between periods, thus reinforcing the messages. The participants were placed around a stage in the middle of the room with a jumbotron above the stage as a reinforcement of the Play-off concept. The commentators were located in a commentary booth opposite the stage to create dynamics in the room.
The concept was very well received, with participants appreciating the entertaining format, dynamics in the room, and the feeling of a live broadcast free from traditional presentations. The message of becoming number one in the industry also became very clear and easy for the target audience to understand.